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Privacy Statement v1.0

Last update: September 16th, 2019 version 1.0

1. The Controller

The personal data that are processed through this website, are being processed by Haystack, Romeinse straat 4, 3001 Heverlee, company number BE 0474 816 879, as the controller.

2. Principles for processing personal data

Haystack acknowledges the importance of data protection and privacy of personal data of its customers and website visitors. Therefore, it will treat the personal data of those concerned with due care. It explicitly confirms that all personal data will be processed in accordance with both the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 and the Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereafter GDPR).

Personal data can be defined as being any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’). Haystack considers the collected personal data as confidential information which it will only process for the purposes specified in this policy and which it will no longer retain than necessary for the realization of those purposes.

Haystack may process the following (personal) data:

When contacting us through the contact form:

  • your domain name (ip address)
  • your e-mail address in case you put messages/questions on our website
  • your e-mail address in case you communicate this to us
  • your e-mail address in case you participate in one of our discussions forums
  • all information related to the pages of other sites that you have consulted in order to reach our site – all information related to the pages that you have consulted on our website
  • all information that you have supplied to us voluntarily (such as research information and/or site-registration)

Haystack will process these personal data taking into account the following purposes:

At all times, the data subject has the possibility to exercise his rights described in the General Data Protection Regulation. The data subject can exercise the following rights:

  • Right to information

The data subject always has the opportunity to request all collected personal data (including processing purposes, categories of personal data, estimated retention period) for inspection.

  • Right to rectification

The data subject always has the opportunity to have incorrect personal data corrected.

  • Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”)

If the data subject wishes to have his or her personal data removed, the data subject can always contact Haystack to request the removal of personal data by a simple free request. The data subject recognizes that, if the personal data are not provided or the erasure thereof is requested, Haystack will not be able to deliver the services.

  • Right to object

The data subject can object against the processing of personal data. Please note that the data subject is not entitled to object to the processing of his/her personal data if such personal data is necessary for the execution of the agreement between Haystack and the data subject or the data subject’s company (for example: for invoicing the data subject or the data subject’s company, …).

  • Right to restriction of processing

In certain cases the data subject is entitled to obtain the restriction of the processing of his or her personal data.

  • Right to data portability

The data subject has the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, processed by Haystack, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or to transmit those data to another controller.

  • Right to lodge a complaint

If, at any time, you are of the opinion that Haystack infringes your privacy you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Belgian supervisory authority: Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel, Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, e-mail:

These rights can be exercised free of charge by sending an e-mail to

For any further questions you can reach out to us:

  • via e-mail:
  • via phone: + 32 (0) 16 62 11 58
  • by post: Romeinse straat 4 – 3001 Heverlee – Belgium

Haystack will refrain from disclosing personal data of the data subject to third parties as well as publicly disclosing data subjects’ personal data. Personal data of data subjects will only be communicated to third parties or external parties provided that consent of the data subjects was obtained.

Haystack acknowledges that the protection of personal data is an essential part of data protection. Where it is impossible to fully guarantee security, Haystack will provide appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data.

3. Use of cookies

We use cookies when offering services and information on our website. This is a file of data that your computer receives when you visit our websites. There are various types of cookies:

Functional (necessary) cookies

Some cookies are indispensable for the proper functioning of the website. Without these cookies, (parts of) the websites will not work. Functional cookies may be placed without your permission. (A functional cookie is, for example, storing the products that the visitor to a webshop places in the shopping cart or keeping track of your language choice.)

Tracking statistics

We use cookies to keep track of web statistics (Google Analytics & Nimbu Analytics). This is information about, for example, how many visitors visit the website, which pages they view, where they come from, what they click on, which browser and screen resolution they use. This information is not traced back to an individual visitor.

Content from external sources

The website may include functionalities of third party services to share images or pages on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or to run applications on the website (for example a live chat function). These functionalities work by a code that comes from these third party services themselves. Cookies are placed via this code. We have no influence on these cookies. The following services are integrated for this website:

Advertising cookies

We also use cookies for commercial purposes. These cookies are placed on our website by us and by third parties so that advertisements relevant to you can be displayed. Your permission is required to use these cookies.
For example, we use Google Remarketing Tag, a Google service that shows advertisements for our company as a result of your visit to our website. Information on how to opt out of using Google cookies in Google’s Ads Settings. You can also opt out of third-party cookies by visiting the opt-out page of the Network Advertising Initiative.

Blocking cookies

Most internet browsers can be set so that cookies are not accepted or that you are informed when you receive a cookie. Keep in mind that certain parts of the website will not function or will not function optimally when you block cookies. The way in which you can disable cookies differs per browser.

Remove cookies afterwards

You can refuse the installation of cookies via your browser settings. You can also delete the already installed cookies from your computer or mobile device after visiting the website or at any time. How you can do this differs per browser. Instructions can be found on your browser’s website:

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft Edge

When you disable cookies, you should keep in mind that certain graphic elements may not look good, or that you cannot use certain applications. An extensive list of the cookies used can be found here.

4. Changes to our privacy policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will be doing this by posting the updated version on the Haystack website. When we publish changes to our Policy, we will change the date and version number of the “last update” of our Privacy Policy. Significant changes will be reported on our homepage. Nevertheless, we encourage you to read our Privacy Policy periodically.